
Fellow Americans, 

Social justice (socialist) principles like equity, diversity, and inclusion are very popular in today’s society.  Equity is the preferential treatment of one over another, an example of which is affirmative action.  Diversity refers to individuals of different races, genders, ages, et cetera.  Inclusion means the involvement of everyone.  If you add up equity, diversity, and inclusion you get “wokeness.”  Being “woke” not only means you sympathize with the struggles of minority groups, but that you also publicly promote their agendas.  Today, everyone is expected to be “woke.”

I began to notice “wokeness” about 10 years ago, when Trayvon Martin was shot and killed after assaulting George Zimmerman in Florida.  Back then, the mainstream media made a huge deal about the races of the two men.  I really noticed “wokeness” during the rioting in Ferguson, Missouri, when Michael Brown was shot to death after assaulting a police officer.  Apparently, the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the Missouri Army National Guard were “woke” because they allowed the rioting, looting, and the burning of businesses!  Their only job was to maintain law and order, and they failed miserably! 

After Ferguson, it seemed like every year a black man died at the hands of the police.  These incidents resulted in the birth of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and ANTIFA (anti-fascists).  These groups used violence and lawfare to force their agendas on others.  Then I noticed Critical Race Theory (CRT) was becoming prevalent in our public education system.  Simply put, Critical Race Theory is a racist, hateful, anti-white, anti-capitalist, anti-American agenda.  It insists that white people are bad and should be punished for the slavery of the past.  CRT was introduced into our classrooms by the U.S. Department of Education, which coerced our states into accepting CRT by connecting the agenda to federal tax dollars.  That’s another story for another time.     

Then “wokeness” took a turn to the wild side.  The homosexual and transgender people wanted a piece of the action.  These “alphabet” folks insist on forcing their lifestyles on the rest of us.  They expect us to ignore our principles and religion and accept their perversion.  If we choose not to, then we will be demonized, attacked, and sued.  It’s not enough they target adults.  Now they are coming after our children by promoting obscene books in schools and having transgender people read stories to our kids!

“Wokeness” has infiltrated every aspect of society including politics, academia, sports, religion, industry, and the military.  In my opinion, “wokeness” is just another form of tyranny and has no place in a free society.  In America, we have the right to live our lives as we choose; however, no one has the right to abuse or corrupt anyone else, especially children!  We must boldly stand against this evil.  Remember, God is watching!  Please pray for our children, our leaders, and our country.  May God bless you, President Trump, and the United States of America! 

Dan Landi