Weakness Invites Aggression

Fellow Americans,

According to an article at www.bloomberg.com, our government began monitoring a Chinese spy balloon near Alaska on January 28, 2023.  Joe “Where Am I” Biden allowed the balloon to drift over the United States for a whole week before shooting it down over the Atlantic Ocean on February 4, 2023!  As expected, the Chinese government claimed it was a harmless weather balloon that had accidently blown off course.   

I don’t believe that garbage for a minute and Biden didn’t believe it either because he eventually ordered the military to shoot down the balloon!  If the balloon was truly harmless, Biden would have simply allowed it to quietly continue on its journey, right?  Why did “Sleepy” Joe wait so long to take action?  What was the balloon’s true mission?  Was it eavesdropping?  Did it contain a biological weapon like the Covid-19 virus?  Did it contain a nuclear device?  Was it used to test our government’s response?  Was it simply used as a distraction?  Whatever the purpose, the Biden administration showed the whole world that he is weak.  The proper response should have been to shoot the balloon down when it first entered U.S. airspace and then follow up with sanctions against China.  Biden can’t do that because he is bought and paid for by the Chinese government, which tells him what to do!

When a U.S. president demonstrates weakness, our enemies take notice.  Since “Slow” Joe took (literally) office, he has repeatedly demonstrated weakness and has put America in grave danger.  Consider the following examples:

  • Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan cost American lives and allowed lethal military hardware to fall into the hands of the Taliban.
  • Biden depleted our strategic oil reserves and sold some of the oil to China.
  • Biden is allowing drugs, terrorists, criminals, pedophiles, gang members, and spies to flood into our country by refusing to close our southern border and enforce our immigration laws.
  • By spending money we don’t have, Biden and his regime are weakening our economy and our ability to fight if necessary.
  • Biden, his family, and some in Congress have been compromised by China, Russia, and other evil governments.  The proof is on Hunter’s laptop!

It is my firm belief that America’s best defense is a good offense, meaning we must project strength to keep our enemies from attacking us.  Ronald Reagan, America’s 40th president, believed that too.  His “peace through strength” policy backed down the Russians in the 1980’s without firing a shot.  America is in dire straits thanks to Joe “Tough Guy” Biden.  To quote Steve Bannon, elections have consequences and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences!  Please pray for our leaders and our military.  May God bless you, President Trump, and the United States of America!

Dan Landi