Public Enemy Number One, Part Two

Fellow Americans,

I apparently triggered some people with my last article, Public Enemy Number One.  In this article I will try to better explain that the FBI has been corrupted, and how the agency is behaving lawlessly and in a partisan fashion.  The FBI, in collusion with the Democrat Party, anti-Trump Republicans, mainstream media, and social media have been working to undermine Donald Trump since 2015.  Although Trump was the main target, the cabal also targeted his allies. Consider the following examples:

  • Steve Bannon:  Trump’s campaign manager in 2016, who was accused of inciting violence at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.  He was charged with Contempt of Congress and the case is ongoing. 
  • Peter Navarro:  Trump’s Director of Trade and Manufacturing in 2016, who was also accused of inciting violence on January 6th.  He was arrested and charged with Contempt of Congress and his case is also ongoing.
  • General Mike Flynn:  Former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and Trump’s National Security Advisor.  He was accused of lying to the FBI but charges were later dropped because of FBI improprieties.    
  • Roger Stone:  Trump’s political consultant who was arrested by armed FBI agents at his home in a pre-dawn raid.  He was charged with obstructing the (phony) congressional investigation into Russian collusion. 
  • Paul Manafort:  Trump’s lawyer, political advisor, and campaign chairman in 2016.  He was arrested by armed FBI agents at his home in a pre-dawn raid.  He was convicted of financial crimes and sent to prison. 
  • Rudy Giuliani:  Trump’s lawyer who is currently under criminal investigation for trying to expose election fraud in Georgia!  The case is ongoing. 

Even if you aren’t in Trump’s orbit, you may still find yourself the target of selective political prosecutions like Tina Peters did.  She was the Mesa County Clerk in Colorado, and an outspoken supporter of President Trump.  She discovered voter fraud in her county during the 2020 presidential election and blew the whistle.  She was promptly removed from office and sued by the Colorado secretary of state!  A sham criminal investigation was conducted and Peters was charged with fraud and misconduct!  The case is ongoing. 

If you think I’m being too critical of the FBI, ask yourself why they tenaciously pursue Trump and his allies but completely ignore the corruption of the Biden crime family?  The proof is on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which has been in FBI custody since before the 2020 election!  Why didn’t the FBI investigate the Bidens at that time?  Why don’t they investigate them now?  For a full report of Hunter’s infamous laptop, go to  There, Rudy Giuliani expertly details the criminal activity of the Biden family!

This is why I believe the FBI considers President Trump as Public Enemy Number One.  The FBI has been weaponized for use against Donald Trump and America First patriots in an effort to keep them from office and to keep the truth suppressed.  Please, do your own homework, learn the truth, and teach others.  Another great website to follow is  May God bless you, President Trump, and the United States of America!

Dan Landi