What Happened to Build Back Better?

Fellow Americans,

Do you remember all the rhetoric a couple of years ago about how Joe “Where Am I” Biden and his team of “experts” were going to fix America?  They vowed to build America back better.  Look around and you will quickly see the Biden Bunch failed miserably.  Consider the following examples:

  • The economy.  We are on the verge of an economic collapse under the weight of irresponsible federal spending.  At first it was the Wuhan virus spending spree, now it’s the Ukraine bailout.  Worldwide, food is becoming scarce thanks to idiotic emissions regulations imposed by globalists.  Whoever controls the food controls the people.  That is the lesson we learned from Stalin in the early 1930s in Ukraine.
  • National security.  Our southern border is wide open, allowing millions of criminals, terrorists, and spies into our country.  Once inside, they are given cell phones, food, clothing, and cash.  They are loaded onto busses and planes, and then dispersed throughout the country at our expense.  Vast amounts of drugs are pouring in as well, killing over 90,000 Americans annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control.     
  • The military.  Our military has become a giant social experiment, where political correctness is more important than being prepared for battle.  Instead of deploying our troops to Ukraine, why not send them to our southern border to secure our country?
  • Education.  Instead of reading, writing, and arithmetic, our children’s public education is centered on perceived injustices of the past and perverted sexual depravity.  It’s time the states take back control of their public schools! 
  • Energy.  As we sit on vast amounts of oil and gas that we are forbidden to use, the Biden Bunch is using our tax dollars to buy oil from foreign countries to import back into America! 
  • Public safety.  Violent crime is out of control in big, Democrat-run cities across the country.  According to the New York Times, there were at least 57 people shot and nine killed in Chicago over the Independence Day weekend!  Meanwhile, instead of going after the criminals and their guns, the government is going after you and me.
  • Abortion.  Deranged Democrats harass and threaten Trump-appointed Supreme Court justices because of a ruling they disagree with.  They vandalize churches and pro-life facilities as they continue to murder unborn babies in liberal states.

As you can see, things are most certainly getting worse under the Biden regime.  Why is that, considering many politicians are graduates of Harvard, Yale, and Princeton with decades of political experience?  Do they really not know how to govern?  In my opinion, they are all deliberately working in collusion to bring America down.  How can they build it back better without first tearing it down?

To save America, we must elect moral and virtuous leaders.  More importantly, we must turn away from evil and return to God.  Please pray for our country.  May God bless you and the United States of America!

Dan Landi