Better Than Nothing

Fellow Americans,

On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed its 1973 decision about abortion.  Where the Court once viewed abortion as a federally protected right, it now says the federal government is getting out of the abortion business (literally).  This decision does not outlaw abortion (the killing of innocent babies); it simply turns that decision over to the states.  In this article, I will explain why this is both good and bad.

First and foremost, I believe that God creates all life.  All babies, whether wanted or not, are gifts from God and should be cherished, not destroyed.  Our founding fathers agreed and declared that God gave us our rights and they apply to everyone.  Those unalienable rights include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.   Notice how “life” is mentioned first.  That’s because without life, nothing else matters!  Therefore, in my opinion, the Supreme Court should have ruled that the federal government has a duty to protect all life, born and unborn.  Instead, the Supreme Court passed this responsibility to the individual states.  The federal government protects the right to life for everyone else, so why not unborn babies?

On the other hand, there are benefits associated with the states deciding this issue.  First, it takes away the cover used by politicians who conveniently refuse to debate the matter of abortion.  They say, “Sorry, but there is nothing I can do about abortion because the Supreme Court says it’s legal.”  Now, with the decision at the state level and the Supreme Court butting out, these lawmakers will be confronted head-on and will be forced to discuss the matter and make a decision, as they should.  After all, that’s what we’re paying them for!  Second, the 10th Amendment to the Constitution ensures that the responsibility to decide most matters affecting the people falls on the individual states and not the federal government.  This is known as Federalism.  So, by simple reason, if the states are to decide the abortion issue, then why stop there?  Why not decide the issue of education, for example.  Why does the federal government have anything to do with our kids’ education anyway?  I think our state governments are smart enough to figure it out.

Sadly, Joe Biden and a host of Democrat baby killers have condemned the Supreme Court ruling and are threatening violence.  Why?  This decision doesn’t completely outlaw abortion across the country, as I think it should.  It just allows the states to decide.  Some say this ruling violates a woman’s right to choose.  I say what about the baby’s right to live?  If an unborn baby could speak, would it beg for its life or its death?

So, here we are.  Now it’s time for everyone to decide life or death for God’s most innocent creation.  God is watching.  What will you choose?  May God bless you and the United States of America!

Dan Landi