A Human Tragedy of Monumental Proportions

Fellow Americans,

Our immigration problems are much larger than the mainstream media (fake news) wants us to know.  Thanks to open borders and unenforced immigration laws, our country is being invaded by all sorts of people from all over the world.  America is being flooded with drugs, terrorists, criminals, and sex victims.  Thanks to courageous investigative reporter Ben Bergquam, we can see for ourselves the immensity of our immigration problem.

Bergquam often travels to the Mexican border and interviews Border Patrol agents, local law enforcement officers, and National Guard troops about the problems they witness on the border.  His investigations have revealed shocking details of illegal border crossings and Mexican drug cartel smuggling operations.  According to Bergquam, the Biden administration is working in collusion with the Mexican government, Mexican drug cartels, the United Nations, and Catholic Charities to facilitate illegal immigration into America!  According to Bergquam, the drug cartels act as a global travel agency for people from 151 different countries who want to illegally come to America.  They receive funding from the United Nations and logistical assistance from the Mexican government.  Catholic Charities assists the U.S. government in “relocating” the illegal immigrants to communities throughout the country, except, of course, in the communities where the elites live.  This makes these entities the biggest human traffickers in the world!

In a disturbing January 31, 2022 video, Bergquam describes a scene he discovered on the American side of the Rio Grande River.  It was there that human traffickers and their victims prepared for their journey into America.  In the overgrown brush, he found piles of discarded plastic wristbands, ID cards, money, cell phones, condoms, and clothing.  According to Bergquam, the cartels put wristbands on the illegal immigrants they smuggled to identify their “property”, similar to the way a rancher brands his cattle.  The illegal immigrants ditch their identification because it is much easier to claim they are refugees seeking asylum in the United States.  They discard their money because foreign money won’t do them any good here and they have been told they will get “free” American money.  They pitch their working cell phones because they have incriminating information about human smuggling and abuse.  The discarded condoms and clothing are self-explanatory.  Bergquam also reported that Border Patrol officers recently rescued a 12-year old girl from sex traffickers.  A forensic medical exam of the girl revealed DNA from 21 different men inside her!  And to think these atrocities have been occurring for over a year with no concern from Joe Biden, his staff, or the mainstream media!  Sadly, most of Congress seemed unconcerned too!    

This is a human tragedy of monumental proportions.  How long will God continue to bless America when we allow this evil to persist?  The same could be said for abortion too.  Please see the videos and articles for yourself at www.warroom.org, www.frontlineamerica.com, and www.rumble.com (search for Ben Bergquam).  Do your own homework and draw your own conclusions.  Please pray for the smuggling victims, our law enforcement officers, our political leaders, and our country before it is too late!

Dan Landi