A Dark Future Ahead

Fellow Americans,

I take no pleasure in writing this article because America is much worse off now than a year ago when Joe “Where Am I” Biden took office.  To go a step further, I believe America’s decline was planned by the elites who pull his strings.  There is room for plenty of speculation as to why, but there is no mistaking that America has been weakened economically, militarily, and socially since “Brandon” took (as in stole) office.  

According to www.usdebtclock.org, our national debt is almost $30 trillion and rapidly growing!  That’s over $236,000 per taxpayer, but apparently it doesn’t matter because our government continues to tax and spend us to the poor house on garbage like alleged gender and racial discrimination, “climate change”, the “green” agenda, and the Wuhan virus scam where people are paid NOT to work!  To learn more about the government’s wasteful spending, read “The Bad Parts of Biden’s $3.5 Trillion ‘Build Back Better’ Bill” at www.redstate.com.  There is so much wasteful spending hidden in this bill because no one in government has the time or energy to read its 2,465 pages!  And that is by design.  On a side note, a standard bible has about 1,200 pages!         

Biden and his henchmen continue to degrade our military by turning it into a giant social experiment, where the focus is more on equity and sensitivity than on technology and honing combat skills.  Couple this with a shrinking budget and you have a recipe for disaster.  While “Brandon” runs our military into the ground, our enemies like China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and the Taliban are bulking up and licking their chops.  Is it too hard for our leaders to understand that your best defense is a good offense, or do they just not care?  I believe it’s the latter, judging how “Brandon” left Americans behind enemy lines in Afghanistan while ordering our military to surrender a fully functional military base, complete with weapons and equipment worth billions of dollars, to our enemy! 

Biden and his anti-American comrades in government are doing a fine job of “transforming” our society, too.  With their oppressive Covid mandates, dangerous open border policies, reckless “defund the police” agenda, race-baiting activities, “social justice” issues, and a weak economy, Americans are nearly pushed to their limits.  Is this deliberate debilitation or incompetence?  Go to www.heritage.org and read the article, “Are Biden’s Policies Inviting the Next Pearl Harbor?” and decide for yourself.

America is in bad shape.  We face a dark future ahead unless we turn back to God and unite against the Marxists who presently control our government.  Please do your own homework and learn the truth for yourself, and then teach others.  Please pray for our leaders and our country.  May God bless you, President Trump, and the United States of America! 

Dan Landi