Chummy With China, Part 2

Fellow Americans,

In my last article, Chummy With China, I wrote about Joe and Hunter Biden’s inappropriate and unethical “business” dealings with China.  I also explained why the complicit mainstream media shielded them from scrutiny.  In this article, I will give several examples of other politicians who have been compromised by the Chinese communist government. 

Dianne “Frankenstein” Feinstein, former Democrat Mayor of San Francisco and current U.S. Senator, is a real peach.  During her 20-plus year career as Senator, Feinstein has served on several committees and was the chairperson of the Senate Intelligence Committee for six years.  In 2013, the FBI informed her that one of her staffers of 20 years was a Chinese spy!  This staffer was Feinstein’s driver and gofer, and served as her liaison to the Asian community.  How much sensitive information did he obtain?  How much harm was done to America?  I guess we will never know because Feinstein fired him and downplayed the story while the mainstream media mostly ignored it.  The FBI declined to prosecute the spy and Congress refused to investigate!  The spy’s name was believed to be Russell Lowe.  His present whereabouts are unknown.  Learn more at

Another dandy is Eric “Smallwell” Swalwell, Democrat U.S. Representative from California.  He currently sits on the House Intelligence Committee and Homeland Security Committee, among others.  Swalwell’s claim to shame was his affair with his staffer, Christine Fang.  Also known as Fang Fang, she was an attractive young lady sent by China to infiltrate political offices and compromise government officials.  After years of wooing Swalwell (who was married with children), Fang abruptly fled the country as the FBI closed in on her.  No charges were ever brought against Fang and there was no congressional investigation.  Thanks to Speaker of the House Nancy “Stretch” Pelosi, Swalwell retained his committee assignments like nothing ever happened!  How much sensitive information did Fang obtain?  How much harm was done to America?  Learn more at    

Now this one takes the cake.  Mitch “The Gobbler” McConnell is another career politician who is the number one Republican in the U.S. Senate.  He is married to Elaine Chao, who is the long-time Secretary of Transportation.  In 1964, Chao’s father founded a global shipping company called The Foremost Group, which does a huge amount of business with the Chinese communist government.  The Foremost Group’s chairman and CEO is Elaine Chao’s sister, Angela.  Angela Chao also happens to be a board member of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation, which builds warships for China.  I mention all these connections because they might explain why McConnell’s father-in-law recently gave him a cash gift of between $5 million and $25 million.  The exact amount is not known to the public because McConnell has not disclosed it!  What did “The Gobbler” do or promise to do for the commies to earn this gift?  What did Elaine Chao do or promise to do?  Learn more at or read Peter Schweizer’s book, Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.     

Sadly, this is only the tip of the iceberg.  Please do your own research and learn the truth for yourself.  Most of all, please pray for our country.  May God bless you, our troops, President Trump, and the United States of America!

Dan Landi