Shut It Down

Fellow Americans,

September 30 is a big day in American politics.  That is the deadline for Congress to pass a budget for the next fiscal year.  If they raise the debt ceiling and pass a spending bill, our benevolent representatives in Congress will have driven the last nail in America’s economic coffin.  If a budget isn’t passed, some government programs will be reduced or terminated.  Non-essential federal employees will likely be laid off and lesser federal programs may be interrupted until a budget is finally passed.  The primary federal programs like national defense, social security, and Medicare will continue.    

I understand the government needs money to operate.  I also understand that our corrupt politicians in D.C. frivolously spend more and more of OUR money.  Uncle Sam reaches farther into our pockets every year and we are just supposed to accept it.  We are not supposed to complain about the millions of illegals pouring into our country, costing untold amounts of our money.  We are not supposed to complain about the government giving our hard earned tax dollars to lazy people who choose not to work.  We are not supposed to complain about the billions of our tax dollars going to foreign governments, many of which hate us.  We are to overlook the trillions of our tax dollars the government wants to spend on “green energy” and “sustainable development.”  After all, we shouldn’t complain about any of this because the government knows what’s best for us, right? 

According to, America’s national debt is over $28.8 trillion!  That’s over $86,000 per citizen and over $228,000 per taxpayer!  Let that sink in.  To pay America’s debt, each taxpayer would have to cough up $228,000!  It should be painfully apparent that our government has a severe spending problem. 

My family must live within our means, the same as yours.  If we have too much month at the end of the money, we have four choices.  We can increase our income, reduce our spending, borrow the money to pay our bills, or simply not pay our bills at all.  If we don’t ever repay the money we borrowed, our lenders will eventually cut us off.  If we choose not to pay our bills, we will eventually lose everything. 

That’s where we are now as a nation.  We cannot afford the debt we have already accumulated, much less the trillions more the feckless politicians want to add.  It isn’t right to burden our children and their children with our debt!  That’s why I say, SHUT IT DOWN!  Then the D.C. swamp rats should produce their spending proposals for all Americans to see.  There needs to be discussion and debate, then the American taxpayers can decide to accept it or not.

Go to Citizens Against Government Waste ( to see how our illustrious politicians are wasting our money.  Please pray for our country and our leaders.  May God bless you, President Trump, and the United States of America!

Dan Landi