Never Mind the Crisis

Fellow Americans,

There’s no need to pay attention to the southern border.  At least that’s what the mainstream media and the Democrat Party wants us to think.  They have done their very best to ignore the calamity, but I can’t.

Joe “Where Am I” Biden and the Democrat Party have advertised to the entire world that under their rule, the United States would be open to everyone from everywhere, no questions asked.  So, as planned, the immigrants continue to pour in by the thousands each day!  This massive influx has overwhelmed our holding facilities on the border to such a degree that Biden spent over $86 billion of our tax dollars to house these people in private hotels in border towns!  But when those hotels filled up, Biden simply released them on a promise to return for their immigration hearings!  Big-hearted Biden spent even more of our money transporting them to any city of their choice!  

The U.S. Border Patrol is also overwhelmed.  While the agents are busy processing women and children, dangerous immigrants are sneaking into America unobserved.  Last week, two suspected terrorists from Yemen were arrested in California!  Thank God they were stopped before they had a chance to do something terrible.  But for every one that is caught, how many get through?  You see, the immigrants breaking into our country aren’t all innocent Mexican kids.  It is neither difficult nor expensive for someone to fly from the Middle East to Europe and then to Mexico.  From there, they mix in with the caravans headed to the promised land of freebies!

Life in America is good for illegal immigrants.  They enjoy the same benefits of fire and police protection, educational opportunities, and medical attention as every tax paying citizen.  The only difference is that the illegal immigrants don’t pay for any of it; the tax payers do!  Many illegal immigrants work for less, thereby taking jobs away from able-bodied citizens and lowering wages for all workers!

Don’t get me wrong.  I believe most of the immigrants coming to America are good people looking for a better life.  Those are the people we want.  But mixed in with them are criminals, terrorists, drug runners, gang members, child molesters, rapists, and all sorts of shady characters.  How do we separate the good from the bad when the border is wide open with too few security personnel?  We don’t!  Also, how many of the people sneaking into America have diseases like hepatitis, tuberculosis, or the dreaded Wuhan virus?  We have no idea!

America is a caring country full of loving, generous people.  But as President Trump said, we must put America first by controlling entry into our country.  There is so much more to this subject than I have room to write.  Please learn the truth for yourself at,,,, and  Please pray for a peaceful resolution to the border debacle.  May God bless you, President Trump, and the United States of America!  

Dan Landi