Here Comes the Fraud

Fellow Americans,

There is a big push for mail-in voting by the Democrat party. Why would the Democrats want to mail out blank ballots to people they can’t verify still live at their registered addresses, are eligible voters, or are even still alive?  After these ballots are cast, they are mailed back for countless postal workers, couriers, and volunteers to handle behind closed doors!  Where is our assurance that the ballots were received by the correct voters, that the voters were not coerced to vote a certain way, and that the ballots were not manipulated?

There are many ways to commit voter fraud. According to an excellent article at The Heritage Foundation (, impersonation fraud at the polls, false voter registration, duplicate voting, fraudulent absentee ballots, vote buying, voter intimidation, ineligible voting, altering vote counts, and ballot box stuffing are real concerns! Another outstanding article relating to voter fraud is at Just the News ( This article also lists specific examples of voter fraud, to include illegal aliens voting!  Think of all the fraud that was not discovered!

This is more than a Democrat or Republican thing. All citizens should be concerned about the will of the people being done.  That’s why it is imperative for every state to implement and enforce voter identification laws.  I also believe states should do away with all absentee and mail-in voting.  As important as our elections are, I believe voting in person with photo identification on the day of the election is the best way to prevent voter fraud.  The votes are cast under the supervision of election boards representing both major political parties.  If the Wuhan virus is so concerning to people, they can wear masks and practice “social distancing” at the polls, much as they already do in other public places.

Does voter fraud occur? Yes.  The potential for voter fraud will always exist because evil exists.  But steps can and should be taken to minimize the amount of fraud, and to punish those who perpetrate such crimes.  Our system of electing our representatives is under attack and we must protect our electoral system if we want to prosper as a free nation.  Please do your own homework and see the many examples of fraud for yourself.  Most of all, educate yourself and then vote!  May God bless you and the United States of America!

Dan Landi