Wrong in Many Ways

Fellow Americans,

Our government’s overreaction to this Chinese virus is appalling. Yes, I said virus, not plague.  The survival rate of those who contract this virus is well-documented at 99%.  This virus is by no means an automatic death sentence.  So, why all the hype?  Because all levels of government stand to benefit from it.  Consider the following reasons our government would exaggerate the lethality of the virus:

  • To grow government. The larger the government, the more powerful it is. It stuffs itself with bureaucrats and bloats with new departments and bureaus. The personnel in these new offices then impose more regulations, which they claim will benefit the people. A direct result of government expansion is less individual liberty.
  • To spend money. A larger government requires more income, which always comes from the people who work and pay taxes. The larger the government, the wealthier its employees and their families and friends (lobbyists) get. It also spends more money on frivolous endeavors (windmills, electric cars, high speed rail, etcetera).
  • To implement its agenda. Politicians and bureaucrats leap at the first opportunity to exploit fear and panic to push their agenda. If you doubt me, consider the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The federal government’s knee-jerk reaction was to pass the Patriot Act, which greatly increased the government’s ability to spy on Americans, like the phony three-year Russian collusion investigation of President Trump by the FBI.
  • To suppress our rights. At all levels, government is about force. Thanks to the fear of the Chinese virus, the government has forced certain restrictions on us which limit our freedom. We are forced to close our schools, businesses, and churches. We lost our jobs, livelihoods, and savings. We can’t travel freely or congregate with family and friends. We can’t visit family members in hospitals or nursing homes who need our support the most. We can’t even have proper funeral services for our departed loved ones! At least the politicians and bureaucrats still have their jobs though!
  • To ruin our economy. What do you think will happen when the government spends tons of money on people who aren’t working? Those people have no money to pay their taxes and the government will go broke! Why would any politician or bureaucrat wish for America to go bankrupt? So when the economy crashes they can rebuild it away from capitalism and in favor of socialism!
  • To separate us from God. The government wants to replace God in our lives, and to do this it needs us to become dependent on government, not on ourselves and God. That explains the vast welfare system we have today, where the government subsidizes laziness and encourages dependence. That also explains why the government took God out of schools and public places.

My friends, the sky is not falling. This is just a virus much like the flu.  Let us turn to God, not government, for deliverance from our worry and anxiety.  Let us give thanks to God for all his blessings, especially during this holy Easter season.  Let us rest assured that “He has this!”  May God bless you and the United States of America!

Dan Landi