It’s Our Own Fault

Fellow Americans,

Our elected representatives are abusing American taxpayers by their out of control spending. The politicians, with their own desires for wealth and power, are happy to play in Washington D.C. with our money (tax dollars).  To support their spending addiction, politicians eagerly want to raise our taxes!  Why don’t they ever mention cutting expenses?  Because it’s difficult to beat Santa Claus in an election!  You see, these days if politicians don’t give away “freebies” then they won’t get elected!  Just look at all the “freebies” (paid by taxpayers) that the Democrat presidential candidates want to give away, some to illegal aliens!  Sadly, it’s our own fault that we have allowed this irresponsible behavior to thrive.

I wish there was more outrage about the reckless spending, because until there is nothing will change. I believe the lack of concern stems from a lack of knowledge.  If honest, hard-working citizens actually knew how much money in taxes they paid to the federal government each year, their attitudes would quickly change.  I’m not suggesting we stop paying federal taxes.  We have an obligation to provide for the financial needs of the government, which are narrow and well-defined in the Constitution.  I am simply suggesting we change the way we pay our taxes.

Currently, the IRS gets the first bite of the apple. The government forces our employers to withhold taxes from our paychecks.  That money is given to the government first, and then the remainder is forwarded to us.  My proposal simply reverses that process and allows workers to keep all of their earnings from their employers without deductions.  Then, once a year, the IRS would send each of us a tax bill and we would simply write a personal check and pay by mail!   As simple as that sounds, it will never happen.  The federal government would never allow it because politicians know that when we realize just how much we pay in taxes, there would be instant outrage.  That would immediately draw attention to their irresponsible spending and misuse of our money!  In short, heads would roll and a lot of career politicians would suddenly be unemployed!

At all levels of government, our elected officials are supposed to serve the citizens’ interests, not their own. We must sever our dependency on “freebies” and elect principled, Constitutional men and women to represent us.  So let us be brave and take back our government for the sake of our children and grandchildren.  May God bless you and the United States of America!

Dan Landi