
Fellow Americans,

As another Independence Day came and went, I found myself once again reflecting on our freedom.  I saw people working in their yards and wondered if they knew how blessed they were to have yards.  I saw people working at all kinds of different jobs and wondered if they knew how blessed they were to be able to choose their work.  I saw families enjoying leisure time together and wondered if they knew how blessed they were to have families and the time to spend with them.  I saw people enjoying the great outdoors and wondered if they knew how blessed they were to be able to camp, boat, hike, or fish.  I saw people traveling across America and wondered if they knew how blessed they were to be able to move freely throughout the country.  I saw people of different nationalities and wondered if they knew how blessed they were to live in such a diverse country.  I saw people of different religions and wondered if they knew how blessed they were to be able to freely choose what or how to worship.  I saw people of great wealth and wondered if they knew how blessed they were to be able to own property.  I saw people of little wealth and wondered if they knew how blessed they were to have the opportunity to rise above their poverty.  I saw police officers, firemen, medical personnel, emergency responders, and military members doing what they do best.  I wondered if they knew how much we appreciate their service.

Let us not forget that there are many countries in the world where these freedoms are scarce and/or nonexistent.  Let us remember that there are countries where people cannot speak freely, worship, travel, or own property for fear of being punished by their own government!  There are countries in which the government dictates the jobs people do, who they will marry, and how many children they can have.  There are countries whose governments physically abuse and torture citizens who are deemed enemies of the state.  There are countries in which the government dictates what news you see and hear.  THANK GOD NOT IN AMERICA!  In the good old USA, WE can choose how to live our lives and be whatever we want to be!  May God continue to bless you and the United States of America!

Dan Landi