Your Rights Are Wrong

Fellow Americans,

Why do some people, or groups of people, think they have a monopoly on civil rights? Why do they feel their civil rights trump the civil rights of others?  Consider the L.G.B.T. (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) folks, Muslim extremists, illegal immigrants, and atheists.  Why do they feel we must conform to them?

The L.G.B.T. community wants to live a certain lifestyle. Although I do not choose this lifestyle, I understand that living in America, we all have the freedom to choose for ourselves.  The problem is they don’t stop there.  Regardless of what the bible says, or what the vast majority of Americans think about homosexuality, the L.G.B.T. folks expect everyone to accept their lifestyle as “normal.”  We don’t force heterosexuality on them, so why do they insist all states legalize gay marriage?

Regarding the Muslims, why do they come to America and demand we uphold their extreme religious views of Islam? Under their religion (Sharia Law), women are treated as second class citizens.  Anyone who is homosexual, makes fun of their prophet Mohammed, or refuses to convert to Islam is murdered!  Why do they come here and expect us to conform to them?

Similarly, consider illegal aliens. They unlawfully sneak into this country and immediately expect all the rights and privileges granted to citizens!  The National Council of La Raza (Spanish for “The Race”) is the largest Latino advocacy group in America.  Why do these activists insist the government grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants?  What would happen if we illegally went into Mexico and made those same demands?

Lastly, why do atheists target anyone who believes in God?  Why is it okay for them to submerge a crucifix in a jar of urine, but not okay for us to display the Ten Commandments?  We don’t attack them for not believing, so why must they attack us for holding firm to our religion?

In America, we believe that all men are created equal. We have the right to choose our own lifestyles, as long as our rights do not infringe on the rights of others.  We, the majority, must not surrender our rights to the minority.  We must support the constitutional rights of ALL Americans and not be intimidated by threats of violence. May God bless you and the United States of America!

Dan Landi